Harrison Ford: Style Icon?

Some light research divulged that Ford did indeed have excellent understated style in the 1970s and 1980s. He took classics like jeans, collared shirts, blazers, and loafers and wore them with a casual abandon. In an era of chop sideburns and big mustaches he always kept his facial hair to a refined scruff. But the thing I’m most envious of is Ford’s collection of sunglasses. He made Maverick look like a chump.


So how did Ford’s swagger go underappreciated for so long? The main factor is that Ford didn’t become famous until he was 35 years old. We only got about a decade of Ford in the public spotlight at his sartorial best. By the time he approached his 50s, Ford eased into a “rich dad” style – mostly because he was a dad and he was very rich. We’ve only known Ford’s style to be respectable but nothing special for the past thirty years.

Then WSJ Off Duty posted a seemingly random vintage celebrity fit pic to celebrate the return of shorts weather. This particular fit pic garnered the kind of elusive social media buzz that cannot be planned or purchased. As the pic circulated, a consensus grew that the featured fit was ideal for the world’s current predicament. Be it intended or not, the pic also recalled just how stylish Harrison Ford was a long time ago, in… well, this galaxy.