Shit Kickers: A Term of Endearment

My workhorse Red Wing Roughnecks

“Shit kickers,” on the other hand, are treated with decidedly tougher love. They rarely, if ever, receive a buff or shine. The only time they see the inside of a shoe shop is to get resoled with explicit instructions not to touch the uppers. Every scratch and scrape is a beauty mark. Every crease and rub is a sign of the bond formed with your feet. As holes appear in old age they are flaunted proudly. A beautiful patina is the reward for years of patient use.

For those who appreciate “shit kickers,” they are a badge of honor. A good pair is respected like a grizzled old sea captain among sailors. I have friends that prize their “shit kickers” above their pristine dress shoes. A good pair indicates an eye for quality goods in the wearer. It shows that they found something well made that endures the test of time and only gets better with age. Wearing a pair of “shit kickers” means that you’ve taken a beautiful shoe and beaten it into a one-of-a-kind piece of art.

Here are some beautiful Shit Kickers found on the ‘Gram: